Winter Safety Tips alert. Note: This design may not reflect final copy

Winter Safety Tips alert. Note: This design may not reflect final copy

Customer Experience

The Customer Experience team ensures every dog (and human) has a great and safe experience on Rover. As the Web Product Designer, I worked with the team on tool improvements and safety initiatives.


Seasonal education

With the seasonal changes, we wanted to provide a series of refresher tips for sitters. I created a safety tip component and a series of illustrations to go along with it.

Summer Safety Tips alert. Note: This design may not reflect final copy

Summer Safety Tips alert. Note: This design may not reflect final copy


Help Center

With huge company growth, the Trust & Safety and Customer Service team needed an overhaul of the Help Center. Working with engineers at Zendesk, I designed a responsive help site.


Sometimes people contacted support with a question easily answered with a help article. To save time for customers and support staff, we build a progressive helper to contact support. If an article doesn't meet the need, customers are directed to message or call the Customer Support Team.


Signed-in customers may attach a related booking to the message. After hitting send, a ticket is created for customer service agent in Zendesk
